Heat Detectors vs Smoke Detectors
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Smoke detectors and heat detectors or sensors are both used to detect fires. When paired with an alarm system, one or both of these sensors can alert the system and cause all sirens to activate.
The main difference between smoke detectors and heat sensors is how they activate. Smoke detectors activate when they detect smoke, and heat sensors activate when they detect high temperatures or temperatures that are rising unusually fast.
Generally, a smoke detector will detect a fire more quickly than a heat sensor. But there are some cases where it is better to use heat sensors, especially in rooms such as attics, laundry rooms and garages are not ideal for smoke alarms due to the activities performed in that room.
It’s is not a bad idea to use a combination smoke and heat detectors in your home.
Hero Fire Protection recommends the OmniShield state-of-the-art Fire Protection Network. Designed and engineered in the United States, OmniShield incorporates Texas Instruments micro-processors and RF modules to give your home a private network of wireless sensors, so if there is danger in one room, you are alerted in every room of the home. To learn more about how to protect your home from a fire, click HERE.
If you would like to have your home evaluated for fire safety, let Hero Fire Protection help! We are a full-service fire protection company in Hawaii dedicated in educating families about the devastating effects of home fires and other home safety issues. Contact us today to get a FREE fire safety assessment and receive a FREE emergency kit.
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